The freight charges are exclusive of present and future taxes that we are being levied or may be levied by the regulatory bodies from time to time.
All taxes such as Octroi and other statutory payments levied of your shipments are to be borne by the consignee and in his absence the same need to be borne by the shipper. Global Air Express reserves the right to lien on any shipment till that time all levies are paid in full in respect of freight, Octroi and other taxes.
Service Tax@ % of the freight value will be levied as per chapter V of the Finance (No.2) Act 1996, and made applicable to courier services with effect from 1st November 1996. Any shipper availing courier services is liable to pay the service Tax in full and as leviable from time to time.
Payments in respect of bills for services rendered are to be cleared with in 10 days from the date of bill without any conditions. No deductions in bills are permissible for whatever reasons. Global Air Express the right to stop services in case of default in payments terms. Global further reserves the right to levy interest @ 3% per month on delayed payments.
i. Domestic:
In case of Domestic Documents/ Non Documents our maximum liability is limited to Rs. 1,000/- or cost of reconstructions whichever is lower. In case of SURFACE products our maximum liability for lose, damage, storage is limited to Rs.1,000/- per shipment or the actual invoice value whichever is lower, recommends insurance of consignments as it has a back to back insurance cover under which short / lost / Damaged Certificates will be provided. This will allow the shipper to claim loss, damages, shortages etc., from his insurance company. All claims must be notified to us in writing within 30 days from the date of delivery of the shipment. Freight refund may be considered on a case to case basis wherever delays are due to holidays, wrong address, banned items, regulatory issues paperwork and other force major conditions. Please refer to the Air Waybill, for terms and conditions for more information.
ii. International:
For international Priority (Letter/Envelop/ Packages) our maximum liability is limited to USD 100 of Freight charges whichever is lower. For international Shipments (Pack/Boxes/other packaging) our maximum liability to USD 20 per kg or cost of goods as declared in the invoice with fright charges. Whichever is lower.
In case of MPS packing, maximum liability is USD 20 or the prorated invoice value, whichever is lower.
All claims must be notified to us in writing within 21 days from the date of delivery of the shipments. Freight refund is permissible wherever delays are due to reasons under the control of However we are not liable for delays, damages, loses due to holidays, wrong address, banned items, paperwork. customs regulatory delays and other force majored conditions. Please refer to the Air Waybill for more information. The shipper is liable at all times to produce the right required paperwork for carriage and the consignee to satisfy all regulatory at destination including but not limited to payment of Duties and Taxes in advance.